About Us

With the broad objectives of social change and economic development, the Institute of Policy Studies and Advocacy (IPSA) was established in 2010 in Lucknow. The focus of IPSA has been the analysis of government policies and budgets from the point of view of the weaker and marginalized sections of the society, viz. Muslims, Dalit, Adivasis, women, children, agriculture labors. Further, the findings of the analysis of policies and budgets will be shared with legislature, policy makers, academicians and the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) with the aim of influencing the government policies to ensure a pro poor development. The IPSA is being run under the aegis of Social and Economic Welfare Association (SEWA) a registered organisation based in Lucknow and functioning since 2004.


In India, particularly in Uttar Pradesh, it is found that large number of Non- Governmental Organisation have been engaged in several areas of activities related to social change and economic empowerment of the under-privileged communities. The mode of their engagement is to carry out project based activities (running education, livelihood and health projects and also awareness generation programmes) taking financial support either from government or private donor agencies. There has been a growing realisation among the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and communities that along with social welfare and development by NGOs, there is a need to strengthen the system of accountability of government, legislatures, Panchayats and also policy makers for promoting people centric development. The purpose of making the government more accountable is to ensure better service delivery to the poor people. It was thought that the process of strengthening the system of accountability of the government could be done through policy research and budget analysis. Awareness generation, networking with Civil Society Organisations and advocacy with legislature and policy makers would promote transparent, accountable and participatory governance.